The week before the Redlands Bicycle Classic at the San Dimas Stage Race, I had a bit of an accident, the result was 30 stitches in my left arm and a cracked collarbone on the right. It was Probably an unwise decision to start RBC, but after all I was finally in the race that had eluded me for the past two years, couldn't simply not try. After the prologue it was evident that my collarbone and stitches where in no shape to be racing, with 120 miles on the plate for the next stage by morning I had made the decision not to continue. After my withdrawal from the race I stuck around to help out with the rest of the stages, and whatever else the boys needed.
Stage 2 was a long hard day in the saddle for the riders, and stress filled day in the car for manager Pat Jak and I. the heat got to most the riders the most I think, but it didn't get to my friend John Bennett who took out the stage with a magnificent victory!

Out of the original 8: Orion Berryman, Colby Elliot, Lars Finanger, Dirk Friel, Alexi Grewal, Alex Jarman, Julian Martinez, Anton Villatoro. 5 now remained for the crit, lots of good photos came from the crit, and the guys did really well in a technical fast race, however we then unfortunately lost Alexi and Julian. A great victory to another one of my good friends Roman Van Uden, well done mate!

The final stage in Redlands was sunset loop, a technical and challenging course, would hash out its punishment for the majority of the riders in the field. Amazing work however by Orion Berryman, Lars Finanger, and Dirk Friel, also good work on the behalf of Hans Finanger for the massage work and double bottle feeding. Overall a fun weekend, thanks guys!

Now that my string of bad luck has been going on for a while now, I have decided to take a 2 month break from racing get some fitness and come back strong for Mt. Hood Cycling Classic in June. This will be my next target race and should be bit refreshed from my collarbone mishaps, see you all there!