Milan to Padova was interesting, not much to see because it got dark soon after we left the milan station, upon arriving in Padova our train was late 30 min so I missed the last train to Feltre. I was in for a long night in the Padova station. I fell asleep for a second at about midnight, and then woke up at 1 to a police man kicking my foot, he told me I have to go outside because the station is closing until 4am so I moved outside where there was no possibility of sleep because of the drug dealer and other shady people walking around. In the morning I was going to catch the 6:00 train to Feltre but it was actually the 6:50 train because they decided not to run the 6:00 train. I could hardly enjoy the view on my way there because i was so tired from the night, so I got about 2 hours of sleep on the train. When I arrived at Feltre I was asleep and the guy next to me woke me up, so in a panic I got off the train and forgot the camera. I went to the train station window and asked if the camera could be put on the return train and the guy had to see if the train
conductor could find it, so I went on my first tour
of Feltre.
I knew that my family had been waiting for me last night so I felt really bad when I didn't show up, so I walked up to the shops that they own in Feltre to see if any would be open it was a chance in hell because it was sunday. when none of them where I went back to the train station to see if they had found the camera, when the stationer gave me the thumbs up I was realived because all the picture from my trip where on it. After I got the camera, I started to walk back to the center of town with the intent of taking as much pictures as I could, I only got about 500 meters when a truck pulled up next to me, it was Anna and Christian. I had arrived, and found my family, it was more than I could have asked for.
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