Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It has been quite a while since I have updated this blog, I have some big news however. I have recently decided to stop racing bicycles, there are many things that I attribute to this decision. Last year at this time it was very much the same story, I was a bit on the fence wondering if it is all worth it.

Even tho cycle racing is going to no longer be a big part of my life I'm going to continue to ride my bike a lot and rather enjoy myself. I will still be enduring severe pain In order to stay in shape and would like to do a lot more mountain biking, and endurance efforts. The new doors that have been opened in my life will allow me to do cool things that where a bit limited while racing in fear of getting hurt, like backpacking and skiing. The blog will not be going anywhere I will keep those interested in my travels as I expect those not to go away as well. Colbyelliot.com will be turned back into a photography website at the end of the week and you can also expect to see a lot more photos posted on this blog as well.

This has opened many doors for me and I am very excited at what the future holds, I would like to thank all my supporters and fans who have followed me for the past 4 years. Everyone has really been supportive of my cycling career, and maybe in the future I will find it again. Until then

"Goodnight and good luck" - Edward R. Murrow

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